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You want to start with a

business or a project?

The key: the business plan!
With a business plan, you can already comprehensively check your project beforehand so that you can react faster to errors.

The business plan

Businessplan I

A business plan is a decisive factor for your success. It can range from 10 pages to 30+ pages. It always depends on the purpose of the business plan. Do you need a business plan just for yourself so that you can evaluate your idea? Need one for the JobCenter to start your self-employment. Or do you need a business plan for an investor so that you get seed capital. It may also be that you need a business plan for a limited project.

I’ll tell you how to decide for what purpose you need a plan, what the benefits are and what the business plan requirements are.


The facts speak for themselves:

  • Almost 10 years of proven professional experience in the area of consulting
  • 8 years Consultant for the KfW Bank Germany (German state-owned development bank – Credit Institute for Reconstruction)
  • 3 years Consultant for the Federal Ministry of Economics and Export Germany.
  • Over 70 consulting projects successfully completed in i.a Germany, Austria & Saudi Arabia
  • Author and co-worker of two books on how to start a business (Title:: “Gut vorbereitet in die berufliche Selbständigkeit” und “Gut vorbereitet in die Hightech-Branche”).
  • Certified project manager (according to IPMA Level D)

The offer

After an extensive conversation, I will make you a non-binding offer. Once the offer has been accepted, the contract has been signed and the terms of payment have been clarified, the work can start.

The contact

Contact me and explain your challenge. This can be done by e-mail, social media (Instagram, Whatsapp, Telegram, Threema) or you can just call me.

The work

In a business plan, I always go through each chapter with you. I'll tell you what requirements each chapter has and what mistakes most founders make. You work out the part and I check, correct or optimize the part.

The end

Once the project has been completed, you will receive all necessary documents. Of course, I will still offer support after the completion of the project and also I am still available for questions.
Why I need a business plan:

A business plan has many features that are beneficial to you. There is the orientation, control and monitoring function. The business plan also builds trust and helps you to get financing for your business or project.


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Orientation function

The orientation function of the business plan helps you to comprehensively review your project in advance. This will allow you to systematically analyze your business idea and check that the planning is based on realistic conditions. From this you can derive measures and alternatives, reflect upon new possibilities and check their feasibility. Especially at the beginning of your business you can make such major adjustments quickly, which could lead after the “point of no return” to overhasty and costly restructuring measures.

Control function

In the control function, the business plan fulfills the task of presenting a temporal coordination and delegation of the tasks. The business plan helps you to control the actual implementation of your start-up planning. If several team members are involved in the start-up project, the pressure within the team is divided.

Monitoring function

The business plan is not a static concept. It has to be constantly updated in order to continue to provide orientation. Thus, the business plan is used as a controlling instrument. This enables you to compare the respective key figures with the requirements of the business plan in the sense of a target / actual analysis. This enables you to carry out a more efficient risk management and thus initiate appropriate countermeasures.

Confidence building

The business plan should build trust on external target groups. These include external addressees such as potential suppliers, customers and media as well as potential strategic cooperation partners. An increase in the trust of the external addressees can be realized by giving them a deeper insight into the company and thus allowing your investors to see opportunities and risks.

Raising capital

According to the Kfw Founding Monitor 2010, 70% of all founders have a need for external financing. From this the second external task of the business plan can be deduced, the raising of capital. The external addressees are subdivided into investors, partners and customers.

Which chapters has a business plan?

The executive summary of your business plan is one of the most significant chapters and has the purpose, e.g. To give investors a first insight into their business idea. It aims to arouse curiosity and to keep all essential information of the entire business plan at a glance. It contains the most important facts of a business plan, which are described in detail in the individual main chapters.

Even if the executive summary is often prefixed to the table of contents, it will be written at the end! In order to avoid mistakes and to keep track, it is recommended that you show the Executive Summary after completion. This will allow you to quickly and easily see if your Executive Summary is comprehensive in content.

You need a business plan? Or only individual chapters? Write me!

The company’s profile includes long-term corporate goals and visions, including the strategies to be used to achieve these medium to long-term goals. In addition, information is provided on the choice of legal form and location as well as on management and key positions.

Be aware of how you see your business in the future and how it should be perceived by other actors. A clear formulation of your vision and the mission statement of your company as well as the definition of goals are of particular importance to you. This will create a groundbreaking storyline that will help you focus and align your business in the long term. Without a long-term goal, you run the risk of doing pure activism.

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Now that you’ve laid the foundation and framework for your business, devote yourself to your products and services. Every strategy gets pushed to its limits when the actual performance of the company is not convincing. Your customers will only buy the products whose properties meet their needs.

Investors in particular want to know what advantages their products or services have over competing offers. Thus, the unique selling points must be clearly highlighted. The stronger the unique selling point of your products / services, the greater the chances of success for your company.

You need a business plan? Or only individual chapters? Write me!

Your start-up project will be influenced by the industry and the market in which your project is to be established. It is more difficult to achieve a successful start-up in a market characterized by saturation and high competition than in markets with high growth potential and relatively low competition. Therefore, you should know and analyze your future industry and market.

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Many start-ups believe that as long as the quality of the product or service is good, the product or service sells on its own. This is often not the case, because often potential customers are unaware of the product. Therefore, a marketing concept is essential in any case.

A marketing concept is understood to be a coherent, holistic plan of action that is geared to the goals set, selects appropriate strategies for the realization and on this basis determines the appropriate marketing instruments.

You need a business plan? Or only individual chapters? Write me!

The task of financial planning is to determine the required total capital requirements, to ensure profitability and to ensure solvency. Thus, the figures are usually one of the largest parts of your business plan. In particular, it is important that you justify the underlying figures and associated assumptions and select realistic numbers. The calculation of revenue is difficult because it always has to make assumptions about how many customers will ask and pay for your product or service at what price.

You need a business plan? Or only individual chapters? Write me!

What are the prospects for your business idea in the future?

The detailed description of the chances of your business idea will primarily show you the potential success of your company. In contrast, a realistic analysis of the risks shows that you can calculate and control them. In any case, appropriate strategies for solving risks and achieving goals must be in every business plan

You need a business plan? Or only individual chapters? Write me!


Write your business plan the right away without making the typical mistakes. Save time and nerves. There are generally 5 requirements that a business plan should have.

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You need consulting? Do you need a business plan or you lost track of your business and need a business process analysis? Write to me! Together we find a way.


The business plan is the document with which you want to convince the reader of yourself and your startup project. Therefore, a business plan may not contain spelling or spelling mistakes in addition to spelling or typing errors. In addition, your business plan must be understandable to readers who do not have specialist expertise. In this context, there must also be a red thread in the form of a straightforward and clear structure in the business plan.

Quality of informations

The assumptions you make and the resulting decisions must have a solid foundation. The quality of the information can range from verbal information on opinions to expert opinions and representative samples. The deciding factor is, if the data has not been collected, the reputation and integrity of the source of information. Also, a careful planning of the financial data in the business plan is recommended, since otherwise a utopian representation of the company could arise.

Scope of information

For you, it is crucial that the business plan is considering all relevant areas of the company as completely as possible in your planning. However, you should make sure that the business plan remains legible. He must not flood the reader with information, so that central statements, such as the benefits of the business idea, are not perceived. This can make the business plan uninteresting.

Time planning horizon

Your business plan also has a temporal planning horizon. Thus, in addition to a short-term, a medium and long-term planning is proposed. As a rule, the planning horizon is between three and five years.

External shape

An additional positive impression can be achieved via an appealing graphical design. This has the effect that the business plan additionally attracts attention and interest.


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